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Over 1000 Windows 95 Programs (Microforum) (Disc 1).iso
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W i n N E T (TM) M a i l a n d N e w s
w i t h T C P / I P
Copyright (c) 1992 - 1995 by WinNET Communications, Inc.
WinNET Communications, Inc.
Post Office Box 4189
Louisville, KY 40204
1-800 Tech Support: (800) WIN-NET-C
Direct Dial: (502) 589-6800
Fax: (502) 589-7300
Internet Mail: winnet@win.net
CompuServe Mail: 76130,1463
Note: This file assumes that you are planning to use
WinNET Communications, Inc., as your Internet/Usenet service
provider. If that is not the case, please read the file
ALT.TXT instead of this file for introductory
Please read this file *carefully* before installing or
attempting to use WinNET Mail. Getting WinNET set up on
your system is quite straight-forward, but if you don't
read this file before getting started, you will overlook
important information necessary for proper operation of
the software.
C o n t e n t s
What is WinNET?
What you need to Run WinNET
Costs of Using WinNET Mail
Setting up WinNET Mail on Your System
Upgrading From an Earlier Version of WinNET
Problems with WinNET Setup
Distribution of WinNET Mail
W h a t i s W i n N E T ?
WinNET Mail (TM) is a Windows 3.1/Windows 95 application for sending
and receiving Electronic Mail and News articles with the
world-wide Internet and Usenet networks using just your
Windows system and a modem. The connection with the
Internet and Usenet is provided through WinNET
Communications' computer system providing WinNET (SM)
W h a t i s TCP/IP?
TCP/IP is software that allows you to establish a direct
connection to the Internet network so that you can use client
software that requires interactive access to network resources.
Examples of such client software would include World Wide Web
(WWW) browsing software such as Mosaic or NETSCAPE, on-line FTP
programs, Internet Relay Chat, Internet Talk Radio, Gopher,
Telnet, and so forth. These programs are not included in the
electronic distribution of WinNET, but public domain versions
of various Internet applications are available (free of
charge) through WinNET Communications once you set up an
account. In fact, you can start downloading these programs
as soon as you get connected -- we provide installation support
to make setting up TCP/IP and various applications completely
WinNET's TCP/IP software is a special, high-performance version
of Core System's highly regarded Internet Connect product. When
you set up WinNET, the TCP/IP software is transparently installed and
set up to operate using PPP (Point-to-Point) protocol for serial
(modem) communications.
W h a t y o u n e e d t o R u n
1. Intel 80386/486/Pentium system
with a minimum of 2 Mbytes RAM.
2. Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 95
OR Microsoft NT OR OS/2.
3. A Hayes compatible modem.
C o s t s o f u s i n g W i n N E T M a i l
The WinNET Mail & News (TM) software, Core TCP/IP
protocol stack, and WWW browser installation software is
distributed freely for the purpose of connecting with
the WinNET service. There is no charge for the software
as long as it is used for this purpose.
The WinNET service is billed on a monthly flat rate
basis of
$19.95 per month.
When you use the U.S. 800 access number you get
four (4) connect hours per month.
Usage beyond the first four hours is billed at the rate
$5.40 per hour.
When you use the direct dial number (502)589-4131 you get
twenty (20) connect hours per month.
Usage beyond the first twenty hours is billed at the rate
of $1.00 per hour.
Canadian toll free 800 number service access is also
available. The WinNET Service charge of $19.95 gives
1.5(one and one half) hours of access and a charge of
$15.40 per hour thereafter.
See TERMS.TXT for full details.
S e t t i n g u p W i n N E T o n y o u r S y s t e m
From the Windows program manager File menu, or
directly from the Window's File Manage program, Run the
SETUP.EXE program supplied with the WinNET distribution.
Use the More Information button to get more information on
each screen. This program will also set up an Internet
Account for you with WinNET Communications Inc.'s Internet
This will ask you for billing and credit card information.
The program will call the WinNET Communications WinNET server
and submit your account request. After a one minute
pause, the program will call back to verify that the
account was accepted.
All account requests will be accepted unless the System
Name that you choose under SETUP is already taken by
another WinNET customer. If the account request is not
successful, you will need to re-run SETUP, select a different
System Name, and re-run the account program.
U p g r a d i n g f r o m a n
e a r l i e r v e r s i o n o f W i n N E T
The instructions for upgrading a previous version of
WinNET are basically the same as outlined in the above
steps describing a new installation. When you are asked to
specify the directory where WinNET should be installed, specify
the same directory where your old copy of WinNET was
installed. This will cause the setup program to overwrite
the old WinNET files with the files from the new version.
Your old setup parameters will be detected and appear as
the defaults in the setup process.
NOTE: Do not update WinNET with a earlier version of WinNET.
Always use the same version as installed or a later version.
SPECIAL EXCEPTION: Versions 2.50 and later of the sharware WinNET
will recognize WinNET Plus 3.0 (and later versions) and will not
overwrite the executables and will just install the online software
and related files.
P r o b l e m s w i t h W i n N E T S e t u p
The most likely source of problems that you may have with
WinNET Mail is the SETUP Communications Parameters:
1. Make sure that the COM port is set to the port that
your modem uses.
2. Make sure that the interface speed it not set faster
than your modem can handle. Note:(V.FC-28.8K modem owners.
In most cases if you are calling our US or Canada Toll Free
number you will not be able to run your modem at speeds over
19200. Please see node.txt).
3. Verify that the telephone number being dialed will
work correctly from your facility and area.
The telephone number of the WinNET server is:
(800) 800-1482
or our local number:
(502) 589-4131
Which is located in Louisville Kentucky,
U.S.A. If you are local to Louisville, use
simply 589-4131. You may also need to add digits
to obtain an outside line or for credit card
You can verify that these settings work for your system by
using the Windows Terminal program. You can also check that
the modem strings supplied on the Communications Parameters
screen work with you modem as well.
Please see TROUBLE.TXT for more possibilities.
WinNET Communications, Inc. offers the following Internet related services:
* Every account has a free WWW home page.
* Every account has a free anonymous FTP site.
* WinNET - Windows software for Mail, News, with full On-Line Winsock
(TCP/IP). Free or low cost retail version.
* All regular Usenet News groups.
* All Alt groups.
* Special International and Local Usenet groups. e.g. FIDO, Germany,
Houston, and more.
* Large selection of Clarinet groups at no additional charge.
* 9 cents/minute (total - NO surcharges) 800 number access from
everywhere in the U.S. - all cities, all towns, everywhere.
* 28.8 KBS V34 access
* ISDN access.
* Best tech support in the business, available toll free 12 hours a
* Listservers - We do setup and you do the administration.
* Custom Domain name registration.
* Virtual WWW Domain names: WWW.yourname.COM
WinNET Direct Access: $19.95/month/ 20 hours free $1.00/hr thereafter
(Using local number)
WinNET US 800 Access: $19.95/month/ 4 hours free $5.40/hr
WinNET Canada 800 Access: $19.95/month/ 1.5 hours free $15.40/hr
All prices above include:
ISDN Access
UUCP account
SLIP/PPP account
Personal WEB PAGE
Annoymous FTP site
Additional Charges May Apply
Web pages: Free up to 50MB of transfers/month
(No charge for setup or storage) 10 cents/MB after above
Free up to 1000MB (1GIG) of tranfers/month if
main page includes a jump to WinNETÆs home page
10 cents/MB after above
FTP site (anonymous): Free up to 10MB average storage/month
(No charge for setup or transfers) 10 cents/MB after above
LISTSERV's (Mailing List): $25/month
Request Robots (daemons): $25/month
Domain Registration: Free if previously registered elsewhere
(no charge to maintain or move to WinNET) $35 one time charge for new registration.
Web Site address:
Normal WinNET Web Site: Free
WinNET Web Site with Domain name: Free after domain registration
Virtual Web site address & domain: $25/month